Bernard Callebaut’s financial details

3 lessons as chocolatier Bernard Callebaut enters receivership

From Calgary Herald “Bernard Callebaut determined to claw his way back from receivership” (emphasis added),

“Last Tuesday, Chocolaterie Bernard Callebaut was placed in receivership by ATB Financial, which alleges in court documents it is owed roughly $3.9 million by the company. […]

Callebaut is candid about the issues. One crux is a $5-million land purchase west of Calgary made during the boom — a 78-hectare expanse Callebaut dreamed one day would house a factory and warehouse facility and would feature an organic dairy farm to round out his chocolate production.

He recently tried to sell that land, but was only offered $2 million.

The head office building on 1st Street by 13th Avenue S.E. was sold during the boom to raise capital, he says. It did that, but also saddled the company with an expensive lease signed with the new owner during the height of the market.

Then the economic downturn brought sliding sales. In June 2009, the company temporarily reduced its workforce to a skeleton crew. But Callebaut says when people saw the headlines, they believed the chocolaterie was closed, leading to an immediate 15 per cent drop in business.”

See also my previous article, “3 lessons as chocolatier Bernard Callebaut enters receivership“.

Oct 4th, 2010 Update: “Chocolatier Bernard Callebaut making final bid to regain company

Apr 11th, 2011 Update: “unLovemark: Bernard Callebaut the businessman and the two brands

4 Responses to Bernard Callebaut’s financial details

  1. Marc Forrat says:

    Hi Kempton, Marc Forrat here from Dragons’ Den, remember me? I am very sad to hear what happened to my fellow chocolatier,I,also am growing my company (now 7 stores) and things don’t always go the way you want, however Bernard is an amazing chocolatier and i only hope to one day be as good as he is! I will continue to grow my company and will learn from the challenges of others. That said, if I can do anything to help Bernard, please let me know!
    Hope all is well with you, DD continues to help me getting recognition and I never regreted going to the show!

    Talk soon!
    Marc Forrat

  2. kempton says:

    Hi Marc,

    I remember you from Dragons’ Den. 7 stores, very nice. Yeah, DD can be a very positive experience for those who use the exposure well.

    Good luck and all the best with you stores. One of these days, if you open a Calgary store, I would love to try some.

    Take care,

  3. Bethq says:

    thank you for unloving bernard callebaut the man. i know from first hand experience what happened with this situation and it is not good in my opinion. mr and mrs callebaut went about managing the old co in a manner that left many suppliers vendors associates and friends holding unpaid invoices. when the new co came into existence it was more of the same only with theft of major items mr and mrs callebaut knew beforehand they were not to take or use or make use of. it is typical mr and mrs callebaut style. even when confronted by the courts the attitude of mr and mrs callebaut was one of entitlement and of shrugging it off by saying they didn’t use alot of what they took and it was not worth much anyway and they gave it back. again typical of mr and mrs callebaut. they take and make excuses and flaunt it in the faces of those they owe and the law. thank you for unloving them.

  4. kempton says:

    What Mr. and Mrs. Callebaut did and found/proven by the court was extremely disappointing. A very sad story.