Milton Friedman Institute

Friday, 7 November, 2008

Comments on the naming controversy surrounding the naming of Milton Friedman Institute by Becker and Posner. Here is an excerpt from the piece by Becker who knew Friedman for over 50 years (emphasis added),

A university names an Institute after a former professor because of 1) his contributions to the university, 2) his contributions to scholarship or science, and 3) his intellectual honesty and character. On all three grounds I believe Milton Friedman eminently deserves having this Institute bear his name.

Let me first mention I knew him for over 50 years, first as a teacher, then as colleague and close friend. I admired him enormously at all these different stages.

His main direct contribution to the University of Chicago was as an absolutely superb teacher, by far the best teacher I ever had. He opened my eyes and that of other students, including Eugene Fama, James Heckman, Robert Lucas, and Lester Telser, and George Tolley, all faculty members at the University of Chicago, to how to use economic analysis to understand the real economic world. Both in the classroom, and as a supervisor of doctoral dissertations, he was a blunt and trenchant critic of shoddy analysis, both theoretical and empirical. I along with others took a lashing from him when he thought we did some analysis badly. The effectiveness of his teaching alone could merit having an Institute in his name at our university.

Henry Champ retires. Thanks Henry.

Friday, 7 November, 2008

Henry Champ retires. Thanks Henry for your insights. Here is a tribute video from CBC (wmv video).

Friday, 7 November, 2008

See and check out their blog.

China Economic “Growth” in 2009?

Friday, 7 November, 2008

Steven Cheung ponders China economic “growth” in 2009 may be in doubt in this article,

最近北京公布的经济增长率下降,上季下降至百分之九。明年怎样看呢?某机构的预测是明年 增长九点五,北京说要保九,林毅夫说保八以上不难。我呢?认为保零也不易!是的,我的水晶球说,未来一两年,神州大地很可能出现负增长。说得肯定一点吧: 如果北京依然故我,不洞烛先机地大手应对,负增长一定出现。最近北京公布的数据显示经济的增长率下降得快,但跟我在几个地区见到的工业下跌相比,还是好看 很多。工业是中国的经济命脉,此业遇难,整个国家的经济无可救药也。

Cheung on Krugman

Friday, 7 November, 2008

Steven Cheung wrote a Chinese article that talks about Paul Krugman, the 2008 Nobel Prize winner in Economics.

Henri Cartier-Bresson

Friday, 7 November, 2008

Found this Charlie Rose interview with Henri Cartier-Bresson.

I just love the chat. Highly recommended if you love some of these photos by Henri.

Barack Obama: the road to the White House

Thursday, 6 November, 2008

Check out this very nicely produced documentary from UK Guardian: Barack Obama: the road to the White House.

Goodbye Mr. Michael Crichton

Wednesday, 5 November, 2008

Goodbye Mr. Michael Crichton.

Here is him appearing on Charlie Rose to talk about his book Next. And TED Blog remembering Crichton.

Great Speeches Then (JFK) and Now (Obama)

Wednesday, 5 November, 2008

Great speeches to watch.

Yes We Can

Wednesday, 5 November, 2008

What an inspiring speech by President-elect Obama.

I know that changes won’t be easy and some may even be mistakes. But, like them or not, changes are coming to the US (and thus the world).

I also love his talking about the events the 106 years young Ann Nixon Cooper has gone through in her life so far to help us try to see pass all the current seemingly impossible obstacles.

Godspeed President-elect Obama.

P.S. See this report from New York Times. Here is the full text of President-elect Barack Obama’s victory speech.

Here is a video of the speech,


Tuesday, 4 November, 2008


P.S. More after his speech.

Little Red Brick House – A Work of Art

Monday, 3 November, 2008

It was fun and exciting to see my blog friends Laura moving into her new place and Ming building his beautiful house. So I am quite excited when it is my better half and my turn to move and finally slowly settling into our own little place.

The house was built at a time when solid wood, instead of particle board, were used (for framing and flooring) to build home. And Art, the previous owner, has given the house some real wonderful care and upgrades that we just love and adore. The kitchen is a beauty to cook in. And we are happy that we finally have one of those glass-ceramic stove top that is fast to cook and easy to clean. We now have so many drawers and cabinets (all in beautiful washed oak) to store our cooking utensils. For the moment, we are re-arranging our things to find the most comfortable and convenient places to store them.

The maple hardwood flooring was nailed onto the solid wooden sub-floor one piece at a time by Art. Even the dishwasher is a lovely Bosch which we are very happy with its quietness and efficiency. And the garages provide lots of room to park cars, store things, and even turning it into my own entrepreneurial garage one day. (big smile)

With a beautiful garden, a nice fish pond, strong and durable red bricks walls, and the nice feeling when we are in the house, both my better half and I thought of the Disney version of The Three Little Pigs when we decided this house is the one for us. (big smile)

So we do feel the little red brick house, built by the wonderfully nice Art, is indeed “A Work of Art” for us. And the house has truly become part of our little fairy tale home with a happy and promising future.

Thanks a lot for sharing our happiness. (smile) Have fun watching the Disney version of The Three Little Pigs.

Nicolas Sarkozy calls Sarah Palin from Montreal Canada

Sunday, 2 November, 2008

Even Guardian UK talks about “Nicolas Sarkozy” calling Sarah Palin from Montreal Canada. See also a report from CBC.