BBC reporter’s postmortem of her role in US State Department spokesman P.J. Crowley resignation over remarks

US State Department spokesman P.J. Crowley gave a talk at MIT last week. On Sunday, P.J. resigned over remarks initially reported by Philippa Thomas, a BBC reporter (currently also a Nieman Journalism Fellow at Harvard). See a report and transcript of the event by an attendee plus this report by another attendee here.

Philippa, a reporter for the BBC for two decades, shared a fuller story of what happened and what she thought and did in “What I did and What you said”. Highly recommended reading in our age of blog, twitter, and YouTube videos.

P.S. On a personal note, I want to thank P.J. for saying it (taking a stand of conscience and knowing the consequences) and Philippa for reporting it (in the careful and thoughtful manner that she did).

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