Release Ai Weiwe 艾未未i ! Where is Ai Weiwei?

The lawless Chinese government has detained Chinese artist Ai Weiwei but his family, friends, and supporters have no idea of his whereabout.

More news from: The Independent, Newsweek “A Provocateur Finds Out Just How Far He Can Go“.

Release Ai Weiwei ! Where is Ai Weiwei?


Weiwei sent a message to the police back in China,

Some photos, at the right moment, completely change the history. - part 1

Some photos, at the right moment, completely change the history. - part 2

Weiwei snapped this photo. Then he tweeted it to his online followers. - pix 1Weiwei snapped this photo. Then he tweeted it to his online followers. - pix 2

Everyone was curious why this guy could be critical, but nothing bad happened to him.

To tell the truth, no matter big truth or small truth, it always should be justified. - pix 1

To tell the truth, no matter big truth or small truth, it always should be justified. - pix 2

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