After &, What will Microsoft do in China?

Tuesday, 23 March, 2010

By now, you may have all heard or read about Google’s new approach to China. What we don’t know is what would other search engines in China will do?

In the editorial of one of the most widely read newspaper Apple Daily in Hong Kong “蘋論:好馬.聰明馬.草泥馬 – 李怡 – 2010年03月24日“, one sentence got my attention.

“此外,北京高官透露,中國已私下和微軟達成共識,只要微軟的搜索引擎 Bing遵守中國法律,中國將會扶持 Bing取代谷歌在中國的地位。”

Here is my English translation,

Furthermore, according to a senior Beijing government official, Chinese government has privately reached a consensus with Microsoft. As long as Microsoft’s search engine Bing abides by Chinese law, China will support Bing to replace Google in China.

If the above editorial report is correct, it shows Microsoft is willing to do anything for a few bucks. Borrowing the sentiment of the author of the Apple Daily editorial 蘋論, I want to say “草泥馬 “Grass Mud Horse”” to Microsoft.

P.S. For those that can read Chinese, I’ve reposted the full Apple Daily editorial at the bottom of this post.

“Last Train Home” Review – 130 million Chinese migrant workers making inexpensive “Made in China” goods possible

Thursday, 18 March, 2010

"Last Train Home" Review - pix 1

The 2010 Sundance & SXSW screened and award-winning documentary “Last Train Home” is starting its screenings at Calgary Globe theatre tomorrow Friday March 19, 2010. The film will also be screened in the HKIFF on March 26th & 29th.

To me, Last Train Home indirectly exposed to us the heart, soul & meaning of those inexpensive “Made in China” goods and the human cost/impact of these goods through the eyes of one Chinese migrant family. Last Train Home is a film that I greatly enjoyed and found extremely touching and insightful.

In the beginning of the film, the viewers are informed that,

There are over 130 million migrant workers in China. They go home only once a year, during Chinese New Year. This is the world’s largest human migration.

Last Train Home is the debut film by Chinese-Canadian director Lixin Fan and he has done a wonderful job in telling an emotionally engaging story and the film was beautifully shot. As a documentary filmmaker myself, I watched the film three times over different days before I write this review. And I enjoyed the film more as I watched it.

I came away with the intense feeling that it is the Chinese migrant workers’ rights to improve their living standards, no matter how harsh it may seem to us Westerners. Yes, it came with a price, sometimes the prices can be very high. But, as I get older, I am reluctant to be judgemental and pronounce the western ways are the “best” for Chinese or other citizens of the world. There isn’t a single way to pursue a better life.

A great documentary makes us think and want to talk about the various issues discussed or not discussed in the film and it will make us care about the people in the film. Using these yardsticks, Last Train Home has succeeded and is definitely a great documentary. By chance, the film included one of the worst winters in recent Chinese New Years where train and bus services were seriously disrupted. And that added some urgency into the film.

There is one scene (when the parents had an argument with their child) in the film that shaken and touched me at the same time. As a documentary filmmaker, I kept asking myself, what would I have done if I were filming in the same situation? I finally came to the “uneasy” but “responsible” rationale that supported my instinct. I would have done the same thing and kept filming like Lixin. There was a story to be told and because of the trusting relationship that was built over months, it was ok to keep shooting.

By the way, please see the bottom of this blog entry where you can read an excerpted analysis/discussion by my economist friend Dr. Zhaofeng Xue (薛兆丰) about the problems associated with the Chinese New Year transportation nightmares (“春运综合症”).

Here is an excerpt from the synopsis of the film,

Every spring, China’s cities are plunged into chaos, as all at once, a tidal wave of humanity attempts to return home by train. It is the Chinese New Year. The wave is made up of millions of migrant factory workers. The homes they seek are the rural villages and families they left behind to seek work in the booming coastal cities. It is an epic spectacle that tells us much about China, a country discarding traditional ways as it hurtles towards modernity and global economic dominance.

Last Train Home, an emotionally engaging and visually beautiful debut film from Chinese-Canadian director Lixin Fan, draws us into the fractured lives of a single migrant family caught up in this desperate annual migration.

Here is a trailer of the film for the famous SXSW,


Economics analysis/discussion re chaos with train transportations around the Chinese New Years (“春运综合症”)

My friend Dr. Zhaofeng Xue (薛兆丰) has written for more than 10 years about the problems associated with the Chinese New Year transportation nightmares. In Feb 2010, he wrote about this topic again in this Chinese blog entry, “火车票低价造成了举国浪费“. Very insightful stuff if you read Chinese. Here is an excerpt,

“[低票价造成举国浪费] 火车票价不够高,其经济之恶,是那些用于排长队、拨电话、托关系、找黄牛、扫黄牛所耗费的努力,数以千万人的精疲力竭的努力,从整个社会上看,是被白白消耗掉的。如果这些人这段时间的努力,是用于通过他们的专业技能来服务他人,然后再把赚到的钱用以竞争火车票,那么这些乘客在争得火车票的同时,其努力也造福了其他人,也转化成了社会的财富。但现在的情况是,火车票以低价销售,人们靠排队来竞争。这种分配方式,必然引发利己不利人的资源耗散,而这种资源耗散只有通过提高票价才能消除。应该认识到,讨论火车票价问题并非“你比较重视效率就赞成提价、我比较重视公平就反对提价”的主观问题,而是一个如何消除社会浪费的客观问题。”

Zhaofeng received his Phd from George Mason University and is currently a post-doctoral fellow at the Northwestern University School of Law. Here is a link to my congratulatory message to Zhaofeng when his book about antitrust was published in 2008.

"Last Train Home" Review - pix 2

“A good traveler has no fixed plans, and is not intent on arriving.” – Has Lao Zi (老子) said this?

Sunday, 21 February, 2010

“A good traveler has no fixed plans, and is not intent on arriving.”Lao Zi (老子) (???)

I love good quotes and I have posted a collection of quotes I love to share and new quotes are being added to it constantly.

I was going to add the above quote to my collection. But before I add it and since I can read and understand Chinese, I decided to check and do a bit of research to confirm.

Well, I found this translation and its cited source (Ch 27) at Wikiquote. After reading the Chinese source reference (Ch 27.01 “善行   無轍跡。”), I am starting to doubt if the translator got the translation right. In short, the translator may have gone too far so I am reluctant to go on a stretch with him.

So while

“A good traveler has no fixed plans, and is not intent on arriving.”

sounds deep, cute, and even fit my temperament, I don’t think Lao Zi (老子) ever said it. And I am more incline to go with the translation of

Ch 27.01 “善行   無轍跡。”


Ch 27.01 “A good traveller leaves no traces.”

China’s Unnatural Disaster should win Oscar Documentary Short (My tears and The Tears of Sichuan Province flowed like a river)

Tuesday, 16 February, 2010

Oscar Documentary Short: China's Unnatural Disaster: The Tears of Sichuan Province

Oscar Documentary Short: China's Unnatural Disaster: The Tears of Sichuan Province

Oscar Documentary Short : China's Unnatural Disaster: The Tears of Sichuan Province

China’s Unnatural Disaster: The Tears of Sichuan Province was nominated for Oscar Documentary Short and should win, if nothing other than allowing humanity a chance to bare witness of the pain the Sichuan parents suffered and still suffer in this unnatural disaster. The suffering is ongoing because all levels of Chinese governments have refused to conduct proper investigations and punish the government officials and business people who were responsible for “the deaths of many children, often due to the collapse of their shoddily constructed schools“.

Here is part of a LA Times review (emphasis added),

As all over Sichuan Province, schools filled with students collapsed while other buildings remained standing, grief-stricken parents demanded help from the government, help that never came. First emergency teams were routed away from smaller towns and villages where parents could hear children crying for help from beneath the debris. A fortunate few were able to actually dig their children out, others eventually found the corpses of their children (and were told to bury them themselves) but many were left with only the heaps of brick and dust to serve as a mass grave.

In life, there are horrific events that happened and it was too late or we are too remote to have anything influence, but if we are to progress as a human race, we have to at least bare witness to what had happened. To me, what I saw in the documentary counted as one of those moment.

To me, it is well-made and insightful documentaries like China’s Unnatural Disaster that give me the energy and inspiration to tell stories that are interesting/important to me.

By the way, someone has posted the program up. And I hope HBO will not take it down.

P.S. For people who think China has rule of law and their court cases can be adjudicated fairly, I want to remind them their protection under the law is as thin as how their cases are viewed by the “powerful” and if their cases are remotely related to any sensitive topics (including corrupt acts by government officials and business people).

Happy Chinese New Year of Tiger (Our Lunch & V-Day dinner)

Sunday, 14 February, 2010

Wishing everyone a happy Chinese New Year of Tiger.






2010 V-Day and Chinese New Year dinner

Banana & blueberry muffin

Explaining the danger of an unjust and partisan prorogation to Chinese-Canadians

Tuesday, 26 January, 2010

photo taken @ Calgarians Against Proroguing Parliament Rally (Jan 23rd, 2010)

As a steering committee member of the Calgarians Against Proroguing Parliament Facebook group and organizer of the Calgary anit-prorogation rally, and a Canadian with the ability to communicate in Chinese, I felt it was my responsibility to explain to my fellow Chinese-Canadians the danger of an unjust and partisan prorogation (shutdown) of Parliament.

Now, allow me to first sink to mr stephen harper‘s calculating and manipulating level for a moment. stephen harper is a good strategist that has been courting the Chinese votes for years. So it is extremely important to let Chinese-Canadians understand the danger and seriousness of a prime minister that is willing to shutdown Parliament to avoid being held accountable by the Parliament.

The prime minister is accountable to the Parliament, NOT the other way around. harper may be the prime minister, but WE are his BOSS!

The sad irony is that many Chinese left mainland China and Hong Kong where they had no way to hold their governments accountable. In a sad and twisted irony, even the Hong Kong government DID NOT dare to shutdown the Legislative Council to avoid being held accountable by the legislators. In the last few days, some HK legislators have been challenging the rotten core foundation of the Hong Kong political system. And YET the HK Legislative Council is open for business!

It breaks the hearts of many Canadians with Hong Kong and Chinese connections to see our beloved Canada, thanks to stephen harper, is now even LESS democratic than Hong Kong.

The following is a video of the OMNI news report of Jan 23rd, 2010, rally in Calgary (more blog entries about the Calgary and other protests here, herehere, here, and here).

And a video of the Calgary rally, decision (part 2) and China’s Foreign Ministry & White House responses

Thursday, 14 January, 2010

For the record, I will list the China’s Foreign Ministry response to  David Drummond, Google Chief Legal Officer in Chinese and then English, both from Xinhua, the Chinese government officially approved, sanctioned, and mandated news source for all internal Chinese websites re the decision (yes, it is illegal to quote or use any other news sources).

From 新华国际 “2010年01月14日 (外交部网站) 姜瑜就谷歌、海地地震、印度逮捕中国工程师等答问“,

问 [Question]:中国政府对谷歌公司宣布可能退出中国市场,不再和中国政府合作对网络内容进行审查有何回应?美国国务卿希拉里·克林顿要求中国对谷歌网络被攻击作出解释,中方对此有何回应?

答 [Answer]: 我想强调的是,中国的互联网是开放的,中国政府鼓励互联网的发展,努力为互联网的健康发展营造良好的环境。中国的法律禁止任何形式的黑客攻击行为。中国同其他国家一样,依法管理互联网,有关管理措施符合国际通行做法。我还想强调,中国欢迎国际互联网企业在中国依法开展业务。


From Xinhua “China says its Web open, welcomes Int’l companies“,

China’s Internet is open and welcomes international companies, a Foreign Ministry spokesperson said Thursday, just two days after Google issued a statement saying it might quit China.

Spokeswoman Jiang Yu told a regular news briefing that China encouraged development of the Internet.

“China’s Internet is open,” said Jiang. “China has tried creating a favorable environment for Internet,” said Jiang while responding to a question on Google’s possible retreat.

“China welcomes international Internet companies to conduct business within the country according to law,” she said. “China’s law prohibits cyber crimes including hacker attacks.”

Here is the thing, China’s constitution is supposed to guarantee freedom of speech too but that hasn’t exactly done Prof. Liu Xiaobo (劉曉波) any good, has it? A sentence of 11 years imprisonment right on Christmas 2009 for signing Charter 08 along a few hundred other Chinese intellectuals and human rights activists.

So the bottom line is that we will need to see what the discussion between Google and the Chinese government comes down to.

Now Google has made a strong stand, I hope Google will make the right decision to be transparent and make the right choice between “good” and “profit”.

See my decision – part 1.

P.S. What the Chinese based companies are saying now have little creditability in my eyes as the only way for them to survive is to obey the Chinese government.

In fact, I will go one step further and treat all Chinese companies’ spokespeople and senior executives as mouthpieces of the Chinese government. I will be very surprised if they suddenly decided to grow some political spine right at the time when spinelessness is the best way to stay profitable in China and be friends of the Chinese government.

P.P.S. For the record from NYT “Follow the Law, China Tells Internet Companies” (emphasis added),

After a day of silence, the Foreign Ministry said that China welcomed foreign Internet companies but that those offering online services must do so “in accordance with the law.” Speaking at a scheduled news conference, Jiang Yu, a ministry spokeswoman, did not address Google’s complaints about censorship and cyberattacks and simply stated that “China’s Internet is open.”

The remarks, and those of another high-ranking official who called for even tighter Internet restrictions, may speed Google’s departure and increase friction between Beijing and the Obama administration, which has made priorities of Internet freedom and online security.

Read the rest of this entry »

Flowers for (Goolge likely to exit China)

Tuesday, 12 January, 2010

Jan 14: More from WSJ “Flowers for Google in China”.


As a result of Goolge’s decision and likely exit from China, some people decided to deliver flowers to

Flowers for

Flowers for

For the last few years, I have little respect for Google’s way of operating in China. Today, Google has regained a portion of my lost respect. It is probably to early to draw a conclusion. Lets see what happen in the next few days.

Google attacked and likely to exit China

Tuesday, 12 January, 2010

Here is an excerpt from an entry posted by David Drummond, Google Chief Legal Officer on Google’s official blog (emphasis added),

First, this attack was not just on Google. As part of our investigation we have discovered that at least twenty other large companies from a wide range of businesses–including the Internet, finance, technology, media and chemical sectors–have been similarly targeted. We are currently in the process of notifying those companies, and we are also working with the relevant U.S. authorities.

Second, we have evidence to suggest that a primary goal of the attackers was accessing the Gmail accounts of Chinese human rights activists. Based on our investigation to date we believe their attack did not achieve that objective. Only two Gmail accounts appear to have been accessed, and that activity was limited to account information (such as the date the account was created) and subject line, rather than the content of emails themselves.

Third, as part of this investigation but independent of the attack on Google, we have discovered that the accounts of dozens of U.S.-, China- and Europe-based Gmail users who are advocates of human rights in China appear to have been routinely accessed by third parties. These accounts have not been accessed through any security breach at Google, but most likely via phishing scams or malware placed on the users’ computers.

[…] We launched in January 2006 in the belief that the benefits of increased access to information for people in China and a more open Internet outweighed our discomfort in agreeing to censor some results. At the time we made clear that “we will carefully monitor conditions in China, including new laws and other restrictions on our services. If we determine that we are unable to achieve the objectives outlined we will not hesitate to reconsider our approach to China.

These attacks and the surveillance they have uncovered–combined with the attempts over the past year to further limit free speech on the web–have led us to conclude that we should review the feasibility of our business operations in China. We have decided we are no longer willing to continue censoring our results on, and so over the next few weeks we will be discussing with the Chinese government the basis on which we could operate an unfiltered search engine within the law, if at all. [*****] We recognize that this may well mean having to shut down, and potentially our offices in China. [*****]

The decision to review our business operations in China has been incredibly hard, and we know that it will have potentially far-reaching consequences. We want to make clear that this move was driven by our executives in the United States, without the knowledge or involvement of our employees in China [k-note: I read this as a message to Chinese government, don’t blame the Chinese employees] who have worked incredibly hard to make the success it is today. We are committed to working responsibly to resolve the very difficult issues raised.

An excerpt from WSJ “Google Warns of China Exit” (emphasis added),

For Google to withdraw from China would be an extremely rare repudiation by a Western company of what is almost universally seen in business circles as one of the world’s most important markets. The country has 338 million Internet users as of June, more than any other country. Even the public suggestion that it is considering such a move is likely to infuriate Chinese authorities. Google’s statement could complicate matters for other tech companies sensitive to being seen as [****] accomplices of the Chinese government. [****]

More reports in UK Guardian “Google sends a shockwave through Chinese internet”, TIME “Google Ends Policy of Self-Censorship in China”Wired, CNet, ZDnet, Reuters “Chinese Internet activists applaud Google, see no backdown”, UK Guardian “Google strikes a blow to China’s Great Firewall”.

Congrats to Google for regaining its backbone in China! And I also agree with ZDnet in saying “Bravo! Google takes a stand for human rights in China”.

Chinese Christmas gift: Dissident Liu Xiaobo Sentenced to 11 Years for “subversion”

Thursday, 24 December, 2009

Chinese Christmas gift: Chinese Dissident Liu Xiaobo Sentenced to 11 Years for "subversion"

From BBC (emphasis added),

Leading Chinese dissident Liu Xiaobo has been jailed for 11 years for “inciting subversion of state power”, after a trial condemned in the West. […]

Mr Liu is a prominent government critic and veteran of the 1989 Tiananmen Square democracy protests.

A writer and former university professor, he has been in jail since 2008, after being arrested for writing a document known as Charter 08.

The charter called for greater freedoms and democratic reforms in China, including an end to Communist one-party rule.

Mr Liu is the only person to have been arrested for organising the Charter 08 appeal, but others who signed it have reported being harassed.

From VOA,

Rights groups suspect the date of the verdict, Christmas day, was chosen to reduce international attention to the case.

Diplomats from the United States, Canada, Australia and several European countries were among those who stood outside during Liu’s trial Wednesday, after they were denied entry to the court house.

China has denounced the foreign diplomats for what it calls “meddling.” Foreign Ministry spokeswoman Jiang Yu told reporters Thursday that Liu is a Chinese citizen and, as a result, his case is an “internal” affair.

Liu has been in detention for more than a year for his role in writing the pro-democracy manifesto called “Charter 08.”

The U.S. State Department said Wednesday that China’s prosecution of Liu is an action “uncharacteristic of a great country.” A State Department spokesman, P.J. Crowley, said the U.S. will continue to have frank discussions with China about human rights and China’s future.

Prof. Liu Xiaobo YouTube video at PEN American Center,

An earlier AP report,

Historical Chinese Pawnshop org chart and photos

Wednesday, 9 December, 2009

照片 2548 by mad_dog

照片 2531 by mad_dog

照片 2558 by mad_dog

照片 2557 by mad_dog

More Macau pawnshop photos here.

President Obama Holds Town Hall with Chinese Youth

Monday, 16 November, 2009

President Obama Holds Town Hall with Chinese Youth (video from White House). Good town hall session,there are some interesting questions from students and people from the internet, for example,

  • Taiwan relations
  • firewall in China, and access to Twitter

Snow Leopard Chinese Input System Demo – (using the lyrics of a song by Sandy Lam)

Wednesday, 28 October, 2009

In the following YouTube video, I used the lyrics in Sandy Lam’s (林憶蓮) song “願” to demonstrate Apple Snow Leopard’s Chinese input system. I hope you and other Snow Leopard users will enjoy it.

林憶蓮 – 願(電影”晚9朝5″主題曲) 作曲:許願/黃偉年,

填詞:林夕, 編曲:符元偉

Snow Leopard Chinese input Example use Sandy Lam song 蘋果雪豹中文輸入示範 - 林憶蓮 願

P.S. It should be noted that the word “隨” took me a long time to write without success in the above demo. Since it would be rather boring for you and me to see me write the word “隨” for much of the demo, I eventually gave up after trying for about 38 seconds. As for the rather simple word “生”, I got stuck again. It proves that sometimes simple words also tricks me.

I think sometimes it was my pen stroke and other problems that lead to the system missing the words.

P.P.S. For the record, in this demo, I used Snow Leopard 10.6.1. This video is shown in real time, only two edits were made for the words “隨” and “生” to make it fit into the YouTube 10 minute per video limitation.

P.P.P.S. By the way, here are the words I typed in the demo.

最美一幕 還未閉幕
聽我講 我從不說謊

我想相聚 誰便再聚

* 我自信有日如願
縱使天高地厚 仍被我逆轉
總有日會如願 *


China shows military might at 60th anniversary celebration

Thursday, 1 October, 2009

For the record,

Miao Miao @ 2009 CIFF

Tuesday, 29 September, 2009

Just watched Miao Miao. It is one of the best 2009 Calgary International Film Festival films that I have seen. It will be screening again this Sunday Oct 4.

P.S. Lots of spoilers in this Variety review.

Two Cute Swedish Girls

Wednesday, 23 September, 2009

Two cute Swedish girls singing a song, in Cantonese, in our global village.

P.S. In our global village, the ability to speak more than one language is certainly a big plus. Good for these super cute girls to be able to speak Swedish and Cantonese.

The Most Amazing – Voice Over

Saturday, 12 September, 2009

I have four more episodes to record and then I’ll have finished the voice over (and VO translation) work of the Cantonese edition of “The Most Amazing“, a “top 10 countdown” entertainment show.

You can watch the show across OMNI TV in Canada and also on OMNI TV (Alberta) . It airs each episode like a total of four times a week!

Here is a sample of the first aired Cantonese episode. (note: I think my voicing actually get better in later episodes.)

P.S. After recording the last four episodes, I will have done 52 episodes and thats a wonderful learning experience to have. It was a ton of fun working with the many audio-engineers and the people at the TV production company are great to work with.

For someone new to vocing, I am voicing like a “pro” now. :)

Classical Chinese Poems in English

Saturday, 15 August, 2009

杜牧: 泊秦淮
Du Mu (803-852): Moored on River Qinhuai

1 煙籠寒水月籠沙
2 夜泊秦淮近酒家
3 商女不知亡國恨
4 隔江猶唱後庭花

1 Mist-clad, the coldish water! Moon-filled, the riverside sand!
2 I moor for the night on the Qinhuai, where wining houses stand.
3 O simple song-girls know not, the shame of a kingdom demised,
4 Still sing from o’er the river, that song by the merry king’s hand.

Translated by Andrew W.F. Wong (Huang Hongfa) 譯者: 黃宏發
2nd June 2009 (revised 3.6.09; 4.6.09; 5.6.09; 6.6.09; 8.6.09)

It is wonderful to read Mr. Andrew Wong’s (黃宏發) English translation of some classical chinese poems. To me, a self-proclaimed translation geek (translating English TV shows to Cantonese), I am even more amazed of the scholarly and insightful notes accompanying all the translations. Andrew’s choices of words are also careful and well thought out.

Canada Citizenship Minister Jason Kenney’s policies (two misguided and two positive policies)

Wednesday, 22 April, 2009

Last Tuesday (Apr 14th, 2009), Jason Kenney, Minister of Citizenship, Immigration and Multiculturalism, came and delivered a speech at the Calgary Chamber of Commerce and answered some media questions afterwards.

Before I go into the details of two of Minister Kenney’s misguided policies, I like to point out two things minister Kenney is doing right. For example, I commend his effort in trying to work with various federal or provincial licensing and governing entities to try to get valid foreign credentials recognized promptly in Canada so these immigrants can fully utilize their skills and knowledge in their fields of expertise. And the minister’s willingness to stand by Canada’s long term objective and goal of having more immigrants to help solving employment problems (filling vacant jobs that no Canadians want to fill, e.g. in remote locations) should be commended and praised.

Now let me talk about what I disagree with Minister Kenney.

English or French or out

At the press conference, I asked Jason how does he know if the Indian-Canadian, “who has been here for 15 years and can’t speak English or French“, and her sons and daughters did not make any contributions to Canada? Here is video clip of my question and Jason’s answer.

It puzzles me why the minister’s original intend of helping immigrants has now been twisted and turned into a “big stick” that punishes immigrants by denying them the most fundamental step of being integrated into Canada.

Instead of helping immigrants, the minister’s action of emphasizing the language requirement is the same as creating obstacles for these hard working immigrants. I don’t know if Minister Kenney realizes that many Indian-Canadians, Chinese-Canadians, and others can and are following Canadian local and national news plus International news development in their native languages newspapers and TV programs? Is it because these news are not delivered in either of the official languages (or from CTV), then these Canadians are somehow “less qualified” to be Canadians and to fully participate in the effort to create a better Canada?

It is true that the Citizenship Act, in particular section 27 (d) (i) & (ii), requires perspective Canadians to have an “adequate knowledge of one of the official languages of Canada” and have an “adequate knowledge of Canada and of the responsibilities and privileges of citizenship“. But we all know the devils are in the details and what is “adequate knowledge” are up to interpretation. And more rules means there are more rooms for these rules to be misused, misinterpreted, and, in the rare case, abused by Citizenship officers.

Limiting citizenship by descent to one generation outside Canada

I believe this limitation in the new law/rule is unconstitutional as it effectively created two classes of Canadian citizens with different rights. Those Canadians that are “born in Canada” and those that are “born outside of Canada” and this clearly violates the Equality Rights as stated in section 15 (1) of the Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms.

While this new law may have been passed by all parties in the Parliament of Canada, wise Canadians will remember that a few unjust and unconstitutional laws have been passed by federal and provincial legislators over the years. And our elected politicians are well aware that is why we have an independent court system to review laws created by legislators. If laws created by legislators are always “right” and always applied “justly”, then why do we need an independent judicial system in Canada?

Concluding Thoughts: The need for full and principled debate before further citizenship laws are passed

While I usually support government ministers to gain insights in how things actually are done in the “real world”. At the same time, I am concerned that Minister Kenney may have overdone this by having too many of his policies or views shaped too quickly by what he saw in the field and what he and his officials quickly came up with as “solutions” to these problems without proper and principled debates. This is why I agree with Natalie Brender when she wrote in The Globe and Mail that,

Citizenship has both instrumental and intrinsic value for Canada and its people. That’s why debates about citizenship law should be fraught with complexity – and why they do need to take place. When the government introduces further changes, it owes Canadians an account of the goals and values it aims to advance. Federal legislators must ensure that a full and principled debate on these topics happens before further citizenship laws are passed.

I hope the essence of my question has reminded with Jason as it is important to focus on the contributions of these Canadians (I would say valued and treasured Canadians) instead of the narrow focus of their existing language skills in either official languages. Helping is good. Putting up obstacles and creating a big stick to punish is not.


Some news and video clips about citizenship and immigration policies and Minister Jason Kenney:

Here, Jason got asked about the deportation of U.S. Iraq war resisters by this Canadian in this YouTube clip.

Jason Kenney meets Iraq war veteran Kim Rivera facing imminent deportation (March 2009).

Jason Kenney and Maurizio Bevilacqua – Liberal Citizenship & Immigration critic appearing on CTV.

Acknowledgment: Thanks to Elizabeth at the Calgary Chamber of Commerce for her kind help.

Tuesday, 14 April, 2009

Former CNN journalist and HKU professor Rebecca MacKinnon’s online chat with a group of patriotic young Chinese people who run Anti-CNN.