Catching up on good reading materials – General

I don’t have time to blog much about the following but they are great read,

  • Should the SEC Let Sun’s CEO Break News on His Blog? (Even the Wall Street Journal Law Blog has noticed what Jonathan and Mike are trying to do. Cool.)
  • Have You Hurd? Apple & H-P’s CEOs Have Kept Their Jobs (Not their “finest hour”)
  • YouTube and the DMCA (This is a very insightful comment on the amount of clearly copyright infringed material that are on YouTube which are not enforced by copyright owners. I respectively submit that the copyright owners’ hands are tied as taking down a popular Jon Stewart comedy clip will cause the fans scream so loud that it will be put back on in no time. Just my 2 cents. And apparently, this has happened, I think, even before I blogged about it.)
  • Fanatic Focus Factor (Tom, a successful entrepreneur and a technology geek, has this to say about entrepreneurs and VCs. Love his insight and humour.)

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